Sunday, May 5, 2013

Cryengine submission EXP2

"The play between mass and void exists in a way that the geometric and angular can contrast with the monochromatic and monolithic, creating a harmonious relationship between internal and external spaces revealed by precise openings and skewed paths of light."
The monuments were constructed to show an opposing but also connected architecture in their style and form.
 Use of detailing with the geometric structure creates effects with the placed lighting and sun with casting shadows also creating  multitude of their own geometrical shapes and creating skewed shadows and light.
 Use of texture along the side of the building draws the architectural student to look up along the structure playing along with the enormity and monolithic theme it represents
 Large space in between the monuments provide a space to rest and converse with the two opposing monuments and constantly causing the students to interact with the architecture.
 Use of different lighting allows for a knowing of different zones, as each is to represent a different architect but also work together in an electro-aggregation thus the use of complimentary colours.
Placement of the monuments in the landscape, sheltered by the trees it creates its own interacting with the environment and private space for the architecture

Cryengine map download:

Sketchup Model download:

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